STIPENDIENAUSSCHREIBUNG: PhD studentship at UCL and TNA: Charity and voluntary sector archives at risk: Conceptualising and contextualising a neglected archives sector
Eine Stipendienausschreibung, die für Student*innen und Absolvent*Innen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung relevant sein kann:
University College London (UCL) and The National Archives are pleased to announce the availability of a fully funded collaborative doctoral studentship from October 2021, under the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Scheme. The project explores archives and records management practices across the UK voluntary sector. It will be jointly supervised by Dr Georgina Brewis and Professor Elizabeth Shepherd at UCL, and Kathryn Preston and Tina Morton at The National Archives. The student will be expected to spend time at both UCL and The National Archives.
The archives and records of charities and voluntary organisations constitute a neglected resource. They are sources of institutional identity and accountability, and can give access to personal and collective memories. In particular, the records of voluntary organisations, campaigning bodies and community groups preserve the histories of marginalised and disenfranchised individuals and communities, whose voices can go unheard. This includes the UK’s BAME communities, LGBT+ individuals and groups, people with disabilities or ill health, as well as communities marginalised in myriad ways through poverty and other inequalities. Indicative research questions are:
How can we map, conceptualise and account for archives and records management practices across the voluntary sector in England? What does this diverse archive landscape look like? What structural approaches are taken to capture, preserve and provide access to records?
What are the key challenges facing the sector, and how do these vary by factors including charity purpose/sub-sector, income, staffing, geographical remit etc?
In what ways do voluntary organisations draw on their archives and records to address current organisational priorities or societal concerns? How can they be supported to do so?
What further support can The National Archives’ Sector Development department offer this sector?
Details and to apply please see: Application deadline: Wednesday 26 May 2021, 17:00BST