
Praktikum: Archives and Records Management, International Atomic Energy Agency (Wien)

Eine Stellenausschreibung, die für Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung relevant sein kann:

The IAEA accepts a limited number of interns each year. The internships are awarded to persons studying towards a university degree or who have recently received a degree (see Internship web pages for further details).   The purpose of the programme is: To provide interns with the opportunity to gain practical work experience in line with their studies or interests, and expose them to the work of the IAEA and the United National as a whole;   To benefit the IAEA’s programmes through the assistance of qualified students specialized in various professional fields.   The duration of an internship is normally not less than three months and not more than one year.

Duration in Months: 12

Die Ausschreibungsfrist endet am 18. Februar 2019

Die vollständige Ausschreibung der Stelle finden Sie hier.