
New publication: Centers and Peripheries Revisited

Klemens Kaps and Andrea Komlosy (edd.), Centers and Peripheries Revisited: Polycentric Connections or Entangled Hierarchies? Review (Fernand Braudel Center), Special Issue XXXVI, 3-4 (2013) Binghamton, NY 2016.

This special issue is the result of a session held on the ENIUGH congress in Paris, in September 2014. The issue consists of four articles and an introductory essay and addresses a critical revision of world system analysis and the center-periphery concept in particular, exploring possible bridges with the postcolonial approach and pleading for a more concise regional differentiation as well as for temporal and spatial dynamics. In the context of these considerations and reflections, the special issue aims to present case studies over a wide temporal and spatial range, reaching from the Middle Ages to the early 21st century, encompassing Eurasia, Latin America, China and Central Europe.

To download the table of contents and the introductory essay by Klemens Kaps and Andrea Komlosy, see PDF.